Curriculum Vitae

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Personal Information

Name             Lauri Jääskelä
Date of Birth    July 17th, 1978
Place of Birth   Tampere, Finland
Residence        Tampere, Finland

Contact Information

Address          Karikekatu 1 E 13
                 33820 Tampere
Telephone        +358405301653
e-mail           lauri DOT jaaskela ( AT ) iki DOT fi

Work Experience

2012-            Principal SW Engineer, Nokia
                 Working on software related to display & touch technologies 
                 for future Nokia Windows Phone devices.

2010-2012        Principal Engineer, Nokia
                 Forum Nokia technical expert in Qt Quick. Taking part 
                 in defining Nokia's developer offering strategy, studying 
                 current offering, identifying improvement areas and 
                 driving improvements inside the company. 
                 Contributing gap fillers for the offering and actively 
                 engaging the developer community on Internet forums, blogs 
                 etc. Holding info sessions and trainings for both internal 
                 parties and external developer partners. 

                 Since 2011 also doing studies regarding Windows Phone 
                 developer experience from 3rd party developer point of 

2006-2010        Senior Engineer, Nokia
                 eSWT Java API development on Nokia platforms. Developer 
                 in a team that implemented the APIs using Avkon (on 
                 Symbian) and Qt (on Symbian, Maemo and desktop Linux). 

                 Also lead the scrum team in scrum master role since 2008.

2005-2006        (Senior) Software Engineer, Nokia Networks
                 (Promoted to Senior Software Engineer in 2006)
                 Implementing UIs and services for network management
                 systems. The implementations were mostly done using MFC on
                 Microsoft Windows.

2001-2005        Software Engineer, Nokia Networks
                 (Started as Trainee, then Graduate trainee and finally
                 Software Engineer since 2003)
                 Windows device driver development
                 MFC-based Windows GUI SW development

2000             Software development, Sandvik Tamrock Oy
                 Mining equipment control system development.

1995-2000        Summer trainee, Sandvik Tamrock Oy

Education and certificates

10/2008          Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Master
                 (Agile software development)

2006             Master of Science (tech), Tampere University of Technology
                 Major subject:  Software Engineering
                 Minor subjects: Digital and Computer Systems
                                 Communication Networks and Protocols
                 List of courses that I have completed: Courses.txt
1997             Matriculation, Kaarila Upper Secondary School, Tampere

Software Development

Languages        C/C++, QML, C#, XAML, Java
Toolkits /       Qt, Qt Quick, Silverlight, XNA, Box2D, S60 Avkon, Win32,
Frameworks       (e)SWT, MFC
Design           UML, Object oriented design
SCM systems      SVN, CVS, Git, Synergy
Build systems    CruiseControl
Operating        Desktop - Windows, Linux
systems          Mobile - Windows Phone, Symbian, MeeGo
Methodologies    Agile software development, Scrum
Open Source      Committer in Eclipse eRCP project (Qt eSWT and
                 Avkon eSWT implementations)
Projects         WP7 - EasyNote -
                 WP7 - Newton's Gadget - 
                 WP7 - Partial Color - 
                 Qt - Cute Colors -
                 Qt - QtInfo -
                 Qt - QML UI Examples - 


Language Skills

Finnish          Native language
English          Fluent
Swedish          Basics
German           Basics      

Social skills

Work             Accustomed to working in multinational and multicultural 
                 environments. Good at interacting with people from all 
                 around the globe.

General          Social person with good people skills.

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