
Hello stranger. My name is Lauri Jääskelä. I'm a 46-year-old guy from Tampere, Finland.

It's me, Mario!

I guess this is the part where i'm supposed to tell some interesting facts about myself. So, I

To make some (not much/enough) money I do software development-related stuff for a moderately large Finnish company that used to manufacture rubber boots.

Contact Information

In case you need to get in touch with me, /msg LateJ on IRCnet.

If you don't know what the above means, check my CV for some more traditional ways of contacting me.


If you're interested in the geeky stuff that I do on my spare time or at work, check out my blogs:

About This Site

The HTML and CSS of this site is are a slightly modified version of Andreas Viklund's excellent andreas07 open source web site template.

Basically I took the original template and changed the color theme from #d85d5d to #5d5dd8. I like blue. :)

© 2005-2024 Lauri Jääskelä | Original design by Andreas Viklund.